Episode 2 Show Notes

If you enjoyed this episode, here are some more materials to check out:

Susan Halford’s Bio and Twitter

Some of Susan Halford’s Articles 

Tinati, R., Halford, S., Carr, L., & Pope, C. (2014). Big Data: Methodological Challenges and Approaches for Sociological Analysis. Sociology, 48(4), 663–681 (Acces through Paperpile

Halford, S., & Savage, M. (2010). Reconceptualizing digital social inequality. Information, Communication and Society. (Available online

Halford, S., Pope, C., & Weal, M. (2013). Digital Futures? Sociological Challenges and Opportunities in the Emergent Semantic Web. Sociology, 47(1), 173–189. (Access through Paperpile

Staab, S., Halford, S. & Hall, W., (April, 2019). Web Science in Europe: Beyond boundaries., Communications of the ACM. 62, 4, 74-79 (Available online)

Halford, S., Pope, C., & Carr, L. (2010). A manifesto for Web Science. (Access through Paperpile)

Some of Susan Halford’s Books 

Halford, S., Savage, M., & Witz, A. (1997). Gender, careers and organisations. London, UK: Macmillan Publishers Limited.

Halford, S., & Leonard, P. (2001). Gender, power and organisations. Palgrave Macmillan.


Episode 1 Show Notes

If you enjoyed this episode, here are some more materials to check out:

Jim Hendler’s Bio and Twitter

Some of Jim Hendler’s Articles:

Berners-Lee, Tim, Hall, W., Hendler, JA, O’Hara, K., Shadbolt, N., Weitzner, DJ. “A framework for Web Science.” Foundations and Trends in Web Science, vol. 1, no. 1, 2006. Gale Academic OneFile

Hendler, J., Shadbolt, N., Hall, W., Berners-Lee, T., & Weitzner, D. (2008). Web science: an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the web. Communications of the ACM, 51(7), 60–69. (Access through Paperpile)

O’Hara, K., Contractor, N. S., Hall, W., Hendler, J., & Shadbolt, N. (2013). Web Science: Understanding the Emergence of Macro-Level Features on the World Wide Web. Foundations and Trends® in Web Science, 4(2–3), 103–267. (Access through Paperpile

Shadbolt, N., Hall, W., Hendler, J. A., & Dutton, W. H. (2013). Web science: a new frontier. Philosophical Transactions. Series A, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences, 371(1987), 20120512. https://paperpile.com/shared/Okfz6s

Horowit-Hendler, S., & Hendler, JA, January 14, 2020) Conversational AI Can Propel Social Stereotypes | WIRED 

Jim Hendler’s Books:

Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist: Effective Modeling for Linked Data, RDFS, and OWL 

Social Machines: The Coming Collision of Artificial Intelligence, Social Networking, and Humanity 

Web Science: Understanding the Emergence of MacRo-Level Features on the World Wide Web 

Foundations and Trends: A Framework for Web Science