Episode 18 Show Notes

Matt’s Website:


Some of Matt’s Articles:

Weber, M. S., & Napoli, P. (2018). Journalism history, web archives, and new methods for understanding the evolution of digital journalism. Digital Journalism, 6(9), 1186-1205. 10.1080/21670811.2018.1510293

Weber, M. S. (2018). Methods and approaches to using web archives in computational communication research. Communication Methods and Measures. 12(2-3), 200-215. doi: 10/1080/19312458.2018/1447657

Weber, M. S., & Kosterich, A.* (2018). Coding the news: The role of computer code in filtering and distributing news. Digital Journalism. doi:10.1080/21670811.2017.1366865

Gesualdo, N.*, Weber, M. S., & Yanovitzky, I. (2020). Journalists as knowledge brokers. Journalism Studies. 21(1). 127-143.  doi: 10.1080/1461670X.2019.1632734

Matt’s Book:

Weber, M. S. & Yanovitzky, I. (Eds.). (In Press). Networks of public policymaking. New York, NY: Palgrave. 

Matt’s Twitter:
